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Message par Archonte-Roi 11/2/2012, 15:31


AGORA is a discussion’s forum for French study / reflection and practice of spirituality, philosophy and way of life, directly or indirectly inspired by ancient Greece and Rome’s cultures.

Participation in the forum AGORA, and all associated projects (website, meetings, joint work, publications ...) tacitly implies respect and full acceptance of this charter

A. The objectives of the forum AGORA

1 - Represent

In a city, an Agora/a forum was a cosmopolitan and open, conducive to trade.
Agora is open to anyone interested (in one way or another) in Greece and Rome cultures. Anyone is welcome here.

The forum represents AGORA’s people, privately or collectively who practice and / or studying the spirituality of Greece and ancient Rome in a peaceful and free, without any distinction whatsoever.

Basically, AGORA forum is a gathering non-communitarian, non-sectarian and fully respectful of individual freedom.

Other cultures and beliefs have also "citizenship", as the exchanges are for the good of the Agora, and citizens (members of the Agora)

3 - Making Connections

AGORA Forum intends to promote meetings and meeting people with a common interest in spirituality of the ancient Greeks and Romans, by:

- The provision of a virtual space on the Internet (website, forum, Facebook page etc ...)

- Organizing meetings between people around the neo-pagan spirituality

4 - A lively contemporary practice

AGORA forum encourages dialogue and mutual assistance among its members in the reflection and Transposition of spirituality and philosophy of Greek or Roman daily, so entirely free and without constraints of any kind.

This is a "lifestyle", a philosophy that fits in harmony with others and the environment group or private.

From this perspective, the study of past wisdom and ancient philosophy is only useful if it enriches our present and is translated into responsible action, respectful of others and oneself.

B. The principles of AGORA forum

1. Show respect

AGORA forum adheres to the principles enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Citizen, and the Convention of Rights of the Child. We condemn unreservedly and unambiguously practices contrary to human dignity.
Members do not see themselves as holders of a truth, but seeking their own personal truth.
Therefore, they must respect the choices and thoughts of other faiths and other neo-pagan traditions, without distinctions.

AGORA rejects any form of racial, cultural, religious or sexist.

Proselytizing or incitement to religious hatred has no place in the Forum or any involvement of AGORA rally

friendliness and humility are the golden rules,
we do not claim to represent the "wisdom and knowledge" of ancient Greece and Rome, but simply to share and discuss all the themes that we have inherited from their cultures today, in a free, friendly, humble and above

we think that each member brings his own contribution here, however small it is, and this is the real engine of wealth of a forum, because our wealth is also our differences

2. Law enforcement

AGORA prohibits any event likely to prejudice public order or state’s authority. It emphasize respecting the secularity principle of the French state and French-speaking countries

3. Prohibition on proselytism

Proselytism means individuals seeking behaviour to attract new adherents to their faith, directly or indirectly, without that they do have hoped.
Any behaviour proselytizing is frowned upon in this project, whether on the part of members of Greek or Roman tradition to non-Pagans or the inverse of people present on non-pagan places of our meetings (forums, Facebook, meetings real ...) to members.

4 - The status of minors

Those aged under 18 are not allowed in the activities organized within the forum AGORA, such as meetings, access to the private area or any other direct participation.

We consider that a spiritual orientation is an important decision, deliberate, and not influenced.

Areas of public discussion forum remain open to accommodate them unsolicited information, as well as those of their parents.

5 - Respect for the environment

Forum members AGORA themselves as "heirs" of a spiritual tradition where man is known to be intimately linked to its natural environment.
AGORA encourages its members to have a respectful attitude for the living, natural resources and conservation sites in our daily actions.

6 - Science and Religion

Forum AGORA, whose field of action is philosophical, spiritual, does not place himself in opposition to modern science.
From this perspective, the study of ancient texts and myths can not be utilized as a framework for promoting creationist theories, or even a denial of progress and scientific theories, motivated by dogma, which would be contrary to it.
Instead our steps of research and understanding of the ancient Greece and Rome culture are enriched by recent archaeological discoveries, historical and scientific works.
Compte Admin
Compte Admin

Messages : 157
Date d'inscription : 02/08/2011
Age : 12
Localisation : dans l'Assemblée de l'Agora


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